Wednesday, March 9, 2011

My favorite band or artist (Day 13)

Okay, so I'm totally going old school on this because I still don't think that any band or artist has ever had my total love and devotion except for these guys:

Oh yes ladies and gentlemen... That is the Backstreet Boys!!! These boys stole my heart from the first day I teenage ears heard them and eyes saw them (Howie D., my heart still longs for you)! There has been no one else inside who can even compare or come close to the love I felt for you. You have gotten me through break up after break up, saw me at my worst, and saw me at my best.


Business: I'm two clients closer to hitting ED which makes me very happy. :-) I also have seen some interest in my tasting event being held on March 19th (if you're free, come join me). The food is ordered for that. I just have to go out and get the plastic ware. I'm working on calling everyone on my contact resource start-up manager list. That's going pretty well so far.

Room of the day: Missed today but will be doing a full shape-up tomorrow and Friday.

Blogging: I hit it! This is my 28th post this year which is the same number I posted all of last year. And I've posted everyday this month so far! Woohoo!! 

Today was inside out/backward day at school. Here's Kristi's outfit:

And because of the nature of the beginning of this post (jeez that was a lot of prep phrases), I'm going to go continue knitting my toe-up sock and pop in some BSB. My heart melts every time I hear them... **Sigh**
Until next time, much love and many blessings!


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